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Southern California Centers
- Bab-ul-Ilm Islamic Center – Bab Ul Ilm was established in 1997. The center was established to commemorate all significant events in the Fiq-e-Jafaria and continues to do so by having special programs in addition to the regular weekly programs.
City of Knowledge Islamic School/Center – City of Knowledge was ranked by Newsweek and as one of America’s top STEM schools.
I.M.A.N Iranian Muslim Association of North America – non-political, non-profit, and independent organization, established to create and promote cooperation and affiliation within the Iranian and Muslim Community along with people of all races and religions.
- Imamia Education Center – To provide a place where children from various ethnic groups can come together and become life-time friends for better future unity and cooperation within the Islamic community.
- Islamic Educational Center of Orange County – We are a community striving to strengthen the faith of believers through the Holy Quran as defined and taught by the Holy Prophet Muhammad and his family (Ahlul-Bayt).
- Yaseen Education Foundation-Los Angeles – Yaseen Educational Institute was founded in 1998 by a group of young men and women to facilitate the educational needs of students attending college.
- Shia Muslim Council – Represents the interests of Shias in government as well as other political establishments
“In the Name of Allah, the Infinitely Compassionate, the Most Merciful.”
Behold, those who attain to faith and do righteous deeds and humble themselves before their Sustainer – they are destined for Paradise, and there shall they abide. (Holy Quran, 11:23)
Jamaats and Local Organizations
- Bilal Muslim Mission of Kenya – Bilal Muslim Mission of Kenya is a Registered Charitable Organization. It was established in the year 1971 and is dedicated to working with children, families and communities in the rural villages of Coast and Eastern provinces of Kenya.
- Brampton. Ontario, Masumeen Islamic Center – The community of members that make up the ISIJ of Toronto began congregating for major religious occasions in the late 1960’s. There are currently almost 2000 voting Members of the ISIJ of Toronto, which when including family members translates to approximately 5000 individuals.
- Dar es Salaam, Jamaat – It is believed that our community started settling in Dar es Salaam around 1875. In 1900, there was an Imambara made of corrugated iron sheets at the plot which is currently occupied by Pirbhai Jiwa Bharwani bldg. Majalis were held at this place but due to inconveniences and upon advice from the German authorities, it was transferred behind Telephone House.
- Edmonton Jamaat – The real activities of the Jamat (Association) started after the exodus of our many brothers sisters from Uganda, East Africa in 1972, though activities of some kind were going on even before that. Some of our present members were active participants of the community in their homeland and had volunteered to invest their time and effort in reviving the community in a country where customs, traditions and culture varied greatly.
- Essex Jamaat– The focus of the Shia Ithna’asheri Madressa of Essex is to nurture piety in its students and teachers and support its students to acquire the necessary religious skills to enable them to contribute constructively to the well-being and enhancement of the society in which they live.
- Karachi, Mehfile Murtaza – In the early 1960s, a handful of families came to Pakistan from East Africa where most of them had well established businesses. After the Zanzibar Revolution in 1964, many families migrated to Karachi, and later, after the Union of Zanzibar and Tanganyika (now Tanzania), followed by nationalization of properties, industries and farming, more families migrated to Karachi.
- Leicester, Jamaat – MKSI Leicester is a registered charity. It is a community centre (mosque) of local Shia Muslims. As Shia Muslims we follow a slightly different doctrine and teachings than mainstream Sunni Muslims.
- London Jamaat, Stanmore – The KSIMC of London (colloquially known as Hujjat Stanmore) first opened its doors in 1983. We are now one of the largest Islamic institutions in North-West London, regularly hosting worshippers at our seasonal programmes.
- London, Ontario, Ahlul Bayt Islamic Centre – In 1979, the ISIJ of Toronto built the Jaffari Islamic Centre (JIC) in Thornhill. For many years, it ranked as the grandest Mosque in the Greater Toronto Area, if not in the entire country. It remains the primary centre of worship for the majority of the Membership.
- London, South Jamaat, Hyderi – Hyderi Islamic Centre is a vibrant organisation based in London, United Kingdom. Originally founded in 1983 to serve the local Shia Muslim community who had emigrated from East Africa (the “Khoja” community), through our ever-growing relationships with our neighbours and local social, community and political organisations, we are now an integral part of the local community, conveying Islam as a faith that is not only peaceful, but also positively cohesive and beneficial to the wider British society.
- Los Angeles Jamaat – The Shia Ithna’asheri Islamic Jamaat of Los Angeles (SIIJLA) was formally inaugurated on April 25, 1981 under the leadership of Marhum Gulamabbas Dhala.
- Melbourne, Panjtan Society of Victoria – The society was formed in 1989 on a very small scale, consisting of just a few members. The society has grown of over 600 members of the Urdu speaking community of India, Pakistan, East Africa, Singapore and Afghanistan.
- Miami Jamaat, Islamic Jafferia Association – 10554 NW. 132nd Street, Hialeah Gardens, FL 33018. PH: 305-557-6835
- Minnesota Jamaat, Anjuman-e-Asghari – The Walji family along with several other Muslim families settled in Minneapolis from Uganda in 1972. Brother Mumtaz Ali Sabur was already in Minnesota studying. Together they, alongside the Yusufali’s, who settled in Minnesota in 1977 from Tanzania, bonded to establish a small community.
- New York Jamaat – SIJNY is now officially Al Mahdi Islamic Center.
- New Zealand Jamaat – Islamic Ahlul Bayt Foundation of New Zealand, is the first established Islamic Shia Organisation in New Zealand. Our mission is to cater to the needs of our community, while also providing education and knowledge.
Ottawa Jamaat – The Islamic Shia Ithna Asheri Association (ISIA) of Ottawa was formed in 1994 to serve the religious needs of the growing Ottawa Ithnaashari Muslim community.
- Paris, Mehfile Zainab – AAFM (ou Mehfile Zainab) est une association ayant pour objet de rassembler les Khoja Shia Ithna Asheri originaires de Madagascar autour d’activités culturelles et cultuelles.
- Peterborough Jamaat – The Muslim Khoja Shia Ithna-Asheri Community was established in the 1970’s in order to advance the religion of Islam, to promote the Shia Ithna-Asheri faith and to maintain and develop the worship and life of the Shia Ithna-Asheri in Peterborough.
- Singapore, Jaafari Muslim Association – Shia Ithna ’Asheri muslims have been in Singapore since before the First World War of 1914 to 1918. Muharram majaalis (gatherings to commemorate the tragic martyrdom of Imam Husain (a.s.) and his followers at Karbala) were held and continued after the war for several decades at the homes of two prominent families – the Namazie family, and a Khoja family, that of Rajabali Jumabhoy.
- Sydney, Imam Husain Islamic Centre – The Imam Husain Islamic Centre was established in late 1997. We are a non-profit organisation owned by Imam Husain Limited – a public company limited by guarantee.
- Toronto Jamaat – In 1994, the ISIJ of Toronto purchased a 28 acre property in Richmond Hill, to eventually convert to a mult-faceted facility and complex. In 2003, the Masumeen Islamic Centre in Brampton was completed, representing many years of hard work and dedication.
Vancouver Jamaat – The Shia Muslim Community of British Columbia dates back to 1967, when a few members of our
community immigrated to Vancouver. The first settler was Alhaj Razahusein M. Devji in October 1967. His family followed him shortly. Other early settlers included Alhaj Sultanbhai Jagani, Alhaj Amirali Rashid, Alhaj Murtaza Gokal, and Marhum Roshanbhai N. Dewji. These individuals and their families started organizing majalises and religious functions in their homes.- Wessex Jamaat – Wessex Shia Ithna Asheri Jamaat (Wessex Jamaat) was formed in 1982 and became a registered charity in the United Kingdom (Registered Charity Number 1010076) on 25 March 1992. It is also a member of the Council of European Jamaats (CoEJ).
- Anjuman-e-Ja’fariyya SIA Muslim Community of Watford – Anjuman-e-Ja’fariyya established by the Shia Ithna Ashari Community of Watford in 1982.
“In the Name of Allah, the Infinitely Compassionate, the Most Merciful.”
Guide us to the straight path. – Al Fatiha 6
- World Federation – Registered, in the United Kingdom, The World Federation of Khoja Shia Ithna-Asheri Muslim Communities has existed for over 30 years. We are a faith-based organization, consisting of about 125,000 community members worldwide, mainly in Canada, East Africa, India, Middle East, Pakistan, The United Kingdom and the United States of America.
- Africa Federation – The Africa Federation Secretariat is at the core of the workings of the Africa Federaton coordination and providing administrative services for the various Boards of Africa Federation and its Members.
- The Council of European Jamaats – In 2011, the Executive Council initiated the ‘Striving for a Brighter Future’ initiative. The aim of Striving was to enable CoEJ to develop with clarity and focus on goals and objectives, as well as direct the future activities of the body according to the needs of our members.
- NASIMCO – NASIMCO was established in 1980 as a Shia Ithna-Asheri umbrella organization to unify North American Jamaats
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